What Can You Learn?
The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. ~Benjamin Disraeli
At ITAD Training we provide socially responsible training to those most in need in a safe, non judgmental and real world environment, emphasising the value of honesty and integrity in order to produce individuals capable of contributing positively to society, and of occupying positions of sustainable, long term employment.
Being a young and flexible company, we at ITAD are able to offer a range of tailor made courses in a number of IT related areas. Courses in PC assembly and dismantling enable an individual to get to the heart of how and why a computer works, whilst courses in spread sheet and document writing and formatting allow an individual to perform a large number of tasks with confidence. We offer accreditation through Agored Cymru, and also run a range of non accredited courses dependant on individual needs and aspirations.
The Training Team
Training Director - Joanne Elgie: Joanne is a fully qualified teacher of Business Studies and ICT with several years experience teaching in secondary schools. Joanne's role at ITAD is to co-ordinate and manage the training arm of ITAD. As part of this role, Joanne will also be the main provider of all aspects of the training.
Training Development Manager - Dafydd White: Formerly an Environmental Consultant, Dafydd has three years recent experience in the field of employment training. Dafydd's role is to develop the training offered by ITAD.
Trainer: Donna Oswald: Donna is a fully qualified Primary teacher of some years experience. She has come to ITAD as she wants to work with adults and will be training on all courses offered.